The Universe is always a coalescence of fascination and mystery to mankind, from the medieval past to present. Its always cumbersome to even think “Where the universe ends?”. As a common man, we always put a full stop by saying that Universe is infinite. For a change, if anyone try to explore the vastness of this universe, I’m quite sure that, no one can be an atheist in this world.

Before you get bored of this usual science topic, just to get a feel of the universe, I’m projecting the distance from the earth to other planets in the solar system, by the time taken by Jet, Rocket and that of the Light ray.

Note that, to reach the center of Milky way Galaxy, where our solar system belongs to, by a ray of light (the fastest moving substance known to human) is 27,000 years.

Wow!!! There are many Galaxies, like that of our milky way, which are not even visible by the powerful observatories built by mankind….. How to calculate the distance??????